Every Good Adventure has a Detour

Every Good Adventure has a Detour

A couple of months ago I went to explore some islands, off Lake Erie.  To be honest I was going there to escape and this tiny island was the farthest from the edge of my world I could go. I loaded up my bike, hiking boots and backpack and hit the road. Little did I know this would be the detour I needed for my grand candy maker’s adventure.

As I stepped off the ferry with my bike everyone around me knew where to go and who to go with, parents took the hands of their children and couples biked off or golf carted away. Ok, so going solo-Be Brave, Kara. I got on my bike and went exploring.

I went to the edge of the island to see a couple of sights and while I was passing there were a couple of trails on the side of the road. I walked some of them but they were all there loops.

The last trail of the day I almost passed up because I was tired of walking boring loops that led to no where. But I stopped anyways. I walked among some trees for awhile and then the tree line suddenly stopped. I found myself overlooking this amazing hidden oasis with a lake and trees and cliffs-I stopped dead in my tracks and began to cry. If I had not taken this last detour of the day I would not have discovered this quiet hidden gem hidden from the rest of the island. From the outskirts you wouldn’t have known this place existed- and yet it did.

Detours, every adventure needs them-they give us perspective and life lessons we would not otherwise learn if we stuck to the main roads.

So while this candy maker loves main roads, I am forever taking the detours, no questions asked, because who knows what is past the tree line. You won’t know if you don’t go.

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